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  1. Sounds like this is working. Even though I am not a pet owner, I have several friends who have cute little pups. I will be sharing this with them.

  2. Fleas and ticks sure are annoying, I just hate those itchy bites that they caused. I think i should try this product!

  3. Such a good reminder! Ticks are so scary for pet parents. These really sound like amazing preventative measures. Thanks for the comprehensive and helpful post.

  4. I’m so fortunate that this is something that I don’t worry about but for pet owners everywhere this is a good resource!

  5. This was really an eye-opener. We never had dogs and planning on getting our first pup. The info is great, thank you.

  6. I remember when I was a kid and my siblings and I would find ticks on our dogs! Then we moved to an area that didn’t have ticks!! That was a blessing!

  7. Ticks and Flea are so annoying not only with our pets but with us “humans” and I think these are great products to stops and prevents this issues with our pets. I will also share this with my cousin who owns four pets in their home.

  8. It’s really annoying if pets have fleas and ticks. I don’t have a pet. But I really appreciate this post, pet owners will love this.

  9. Your babies are so beautiful! I would love to have puppies like this! We dont have pets but Thanks for sharing!

  10. Ticks and fleas are so yucky to find in dog’s fur. I am glad there is a product to get read of those pests!

  11. You have such beautiful pups! And you know just how to care for them so good. Ticks do make the pups so uncomfortable and it’s better to keep the pups free from that. I wouldn’t have thought about spraying the carpet too.

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