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  1. Our plans are pretty simple! We are hanging out on the family ranch and watching multiple fireworks shows 🙂 have a great 4th of July!!

    1. Thank you!! Blue hydrangeas are one of my fav’s! And have an amazing 4th as well! <3

  2. Your plans for the 4th sound amazing…the lake?! I would love to spend some time on the lake. We will be at the pool with some friends and their kiddos and then off to see fireworks. And my Hubby’s birthday is this week as well, so we will be celebrating him! Hope you have a great holiday weekend ahead!

    Brooke | KBStyled

    1. The pool sounds just as fun!! Have fun with the family and happy early b-day to your hubby!! =)

    1. That sounds like fun!! We haven’t been to a parade in a while – but we’ll definitely be at some parties! <3

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! We haven’t made plans yet but hopefully just relaxing and hopefully visiting a pool somewhere! xo

  4. Sounds like you can use a nice relaxing weekend! I hope you are able to enjoy it! Im off to Africa for the holiday weekend and cannot wait!


  5. I love long weekends and I plan on doing the same thing you’re doing! I hope you get a lot done around your house and then enjoy some much need relaxation with your family! 🙂

  6. We will be going to a friend’s house to bbq, drink beer & hang in the pool all day. Because it’s a 110 degrees, I am going to try my HARDEST not to burn. That is pending I can get in the shade & I reapply sunscreen about four times but we can do this! Happy fourth of July weekend to you! My vacation for about a week started….a few hours ago!! 😉 xx

  7. i plan on hitting the pool later today (with donut float!) so cheers to the 4th!

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