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  1. Patience is something that all of us struggle with, no matter how big or small. If we keep exercising the “patience” muscle it will get stronger and easier to practice patience in everyday.

    Thanks for the Monday Motivation!

  2. I am an impatient person so I do understand having or not having the quality of patience, and I would veer on the side of not having patience. Opps! I am planning on getting the 6s plus in a few weeks! The camera is INSANELY better & I’m so excited! xx,

  3. I would be so aggravated girl! I always wait and the get the newer versions too but my upgrade isn’t till the spring so I’ll def be waiting around a bit longer!:) xo

  4. I would have been so frustrated that they said you could get the plus, but then backed on their word! At least you will still be getting it even if its a month or two later. 🙂

    Hannah Shanae

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