Hi friends! I hope you are having a great week! Can you believe Christmas is only a few days away?! I can’t believe how fast time flies! What are your plans for the holidays? I’m really hoping for a snowy Christmas! The temps are cold here, but there is NO snow! Do you have snow by you?!
Today I’m sharing a quick, fun look that my “Instagram husband” graciously shot on his iPhone for me! “Quick, Kevin! Here’s a light brick wall, will you take some photos of my outfit?” He’s always a champ when I request an impromptu photo shoot! I truly couldn’t ask for a better guy! 🙂

I absolutely love this gold crossbody bag (c/o Gigi New York)! It has replaced a previous gold crossbody that I had that got so worn from using it so much! I love that this one can be converted from a crossbody to a clutch! It’s perfect for casual

This faux fur

These over-the-knee boots (c/o Goodnight Macaroon) are super popular right now and I know why! They dress up any outfit and are surprisingly comfortable! The left boot was giving me a bit of trouble with being a bit to tight on my toe, but the material is pliable enough where I could grab the front of the shoe and reshape it a tiny bit to give me more room in the toe box! Voilà! They also come in two other colors: black & tan! And what’s even better is that they are currently 30% off with code: “GMDAY15“!

We ran a bunch of errands that day and I received compliments at almost every store about this outfit! I’ll definitely be wearing it again!

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