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  1. I love simple posts like this for motivation and updates! I also checked out your Etsy shop and I love the designs! ❤️

  2. I love this quote!!! I feel like I say that every monday but you pick the best quotes!!!
    I love that you do this every Monday!


  3. So glad you had a great weekend! Such great motivation at the start of the week! XO


  4. THANK YOU for this Motivation Monday quote! This is exactly what we all need to hear sometimes. Too often we get caught up in expectations or the move-reel in our heads and take the little things for granted. Thanks for the reminder!


  5. I truly look forward to your Monday motivation because it is seriously so encouraging! It’s always sad when weekends come to an end, but you keep the positivity at bay and hit us with it early Monday morning which is the perfect time for it.

  6. This is so true… military life isn’t easy and I feel like this is a good reminder to just be happy with what it is. Thanks girl 🙂

  7. Love your Motivation Monday! My poor puppy (not such a puppy anymore) is not a fan of the water, but she loves the beach. The first time we brought her back from the beach, she tried to dig in the carpet (like sand) for a week. It was probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m glad your Sophie enjoyed her swim!

    I love that quote and I feel like it is something I always need to remind myself. Everyone has a picture of what their life is supposed to look like and very rarely does everything play out as planned. But that doesn’t make life any less beautiful. In fact, life might be a little boring if it happened just as we expected.

    xo, Mae // Mae Amor

  8. Absolutely LOVE this quote and your “Motivation Monday’s”, thanks so much for always giving us a subtle reminder of what is truly important in life!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  9. LOVE this post more than anything. This is such a great way to start the week and that quote is so spot on! Its something we all need to acknowledge and focus on! Sportsanista

  10. I’m so glad the weather has been cooperating! I’ve been getting moody with all the rain we’ve had in texas 🙁 sunshine definitely puts me in a better mood 🙂 i hope you have a great week

  11. That’s so adorable. My dog loooves to swim, it’s so cute. She was a rescue so I wonder where she got the courage or desire to jump in! She doesn’t hate baths, but doesn’t love them. But loves to swim, idk how that works out haha!

    Anyway, I love the quote you chose. It’s a great reminder that instead of being wishful and thinking about what you want your life to be or look like, rejoice in the time that you have in the present and do things with love and happiness!

    Nickie of

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