Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! =)
This week, I’m super lucky to have Veteran’s Day (Wednesday) off! My entire corporate office is closed for the day. Needless to say, I WON’T be checking work emails! haha
Instead, I’ll most likely go shopping, take photos, and design some more products for my Etsy shop!
Today’s Monday motivation is:
“Create a life that feels good on the inside. Not one that just looks good on the outside.”
So many times people think a life as a blogger is simply perfect. But it’s not! I have a full time job that keeps me extremely busy as well as an Etsy shop and my blog. Not to mention I’m a wife, daughter, sister, friend, type 1 diabetic, and puppy mommy. Sometimes I feel like I’m being pulled in all different directions! But my Instagram only shows little “perfect” blips of my life, so I can see how people can think that!
This week, I challenge you (and myself) to slow down and take a breather. Being busy is great, but being unplugged from your phone and laptop can really refresh you! I will be trying to get off my electronics an hour more than normal each day this week. It’s not much, but it’s a start! This will help you give your family and friends a bit more necessary face-to-face time! =)
Have an amazing Monday!
Let’s get social! Connect with me…
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